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A ragtag group of survivors from diverse ends of the spectrum band together. Storytellers, imaginers, performers, creators, techies and magicians. Each has a specific role that fits like a key in a lock, and when that key turns, and the latch pops, another world awaits on the other side of the doorway. And so is the tale of this Midnight West endeavor. My friends and I are the survivors; survivors in the sense that we’ve been through the ups and downs of creative arts. We’ve seen the successes of a completed project that was accomplished despite enduring challenges. We’ve experienced the heartbreak of projects falling apart, losing friends and protégés along the way. But our skills have brought us together, in what seems like a perfect storm. We have writers, directors, actors, producers, techs and make-up artists among us that have stood through the hurricanes, standing tall in the aftermath, in the streets of fallen trees and buildings. Creative talents that range from film, photography, theater and journaling. Talents that share the same taste in film and love for the medium. These are the people that I consider my friends and closest creative partners. I was never a big proponent of labels, whether it be a film group or a production company. Too many people come and go, and it felt like failure when it fizzled or broke up. So that’s why Midnight West is more of an umbrella. People get busy in their personal lives. They might have to leave, only to reunite later down the road. New people may come along that share the same passion and drive. People with new ideas and fresh perspectives. And we all have our own niche and expertise that we want to brand as our own. But in the end, we are a team. We help each other out to accomplish the project we want to succeed. Midnight West covers the personalities involved, whoever they may be at the time, and our projects are the photos taken. One day, anyone will be able to look at our scrapbook full of proud memories.

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